meditations on life

breaking the shackles of procrastination


"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself."

i have been delaying a lot of actions on the important stuff.

the delay is such that it has started to affect my happiness.

i have been very irritated and frustrated for no reason.

my wife and mom are also tired of my behaviour.

reason: simply not taking action on the work.

this one reason for non-action is taking a toll on my physical and mental health.

i have been reading about the MVA - minimum viable action, and this is something i will try this week to complete the pending work.

without thinking, i will take the smallest possible easy action and try to get momentum from there.

not in mood to write the entire report?..let me just rename the file for now.

not in the mood for running?..let me just wear the shoes and sit, and check the mood now!

not in the mood for working on my passion project?..let me just create one slide and see!

wish me luck on this method.

lfg small